* required fields

Personal data

Standard (CHF 80.-)
Student / PhD Student (CHF 40.-)
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern (MSc and PhD students of the Graduate School only; upon agreement)
Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern (according to agreement)
ProClim Steering Committee, Jury, Speaker, Former Steering Committee Members and Employees of ProClim, SCNAT Employees (CHF 0.-)

Poster session *
Yes, with contest
Yes, without contest

Scientific Organisations

Would you like to present your organisation and its work with a poster and/or a stand?
Please contact us directly: proclim@scnat.ch.

Note: Organisations cannot enter the poster contest.

I will attend the Apéro *

ProClim Briefing (e-mail)
ProClim Flash (e-mail)
ProClim Flash (print)
ProClim-Reports and Factsheets (e-mail)

Registration Data Preferences *
I’m not in the database yet. I agree that my contact information will be saved for information about news and events associated to ProClim and Climate Change issues.
I am already in the database. I agree that my contact information is saved for information about news and events associated to ProClim and Climate Change issues.
I don't agree that my contact information will be saved for information about news and events associated to ProClim and Climate Change issues. My contact information needs to be deleted after this Swiss Global Change Day.

The participation fee is 80 CHF or 40 CHF. After the registration, the payment window will open.

Photographs will be taken at this event. If you do not want to be shown on published photos, please contact us: proclim@scnat.ch.

I accept the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of SCNAT and the cancellation conditions. *